When the Library is open for self-service only...You can:
- Borrow and return items using the self-service machines
- Borrow and return laptops using the self-service machine
- Renew and request books online
- Print, copy and scan
- Use computers for Word, email, internet etc
- Have access to books, journals, DVD's, and other items from the shelves and online resources
- Pay fines using the web payment
- Text-a-talker
- Use the study space in line with that zone
Please do alert the security officer of any problems.
The following services are only available during our staffed hours:
- Assistance from library staff (helpdesk and book-a-librarian or book-a-library guide)
- Borrow an item which is 'ask at desk'
- Collect interlibrary loan requests
- Have books issued if the self-service machine blocks borrowing an item.
Page Last Reviewed: 23rd November 2023 by Diane Hilton.