Cite Them Right
Cite Them Right (CTR) Harvard is the Harvard referencing style used at Anglia Ruskin University.
If you want to find out a bit more about how to navigate through Cite Them Right, with an introduction to the basic elements of this style of referencing we have prepared a video, a quick guide (.pdf), and some online information that may help.
CTR aims to teach students how to create accurate references and how to avoid plagiarism. The complete guidance is available on the CTR website directly, but this page helps you to navigate the basics of the website and lets you know where to ask for help.
How to login
To use the full extent of the CTR website, you might be asked to login via Institutional access. To do that, click the 'Log In' button in the top right hand corner:

Click on 'Login via your institution', search for 'Anglia Ruskin University' and select it. You may be taken to a separate page where you need to login with your long username, e.g., and your University password.

You can now use the full extent of ARU's subscription to CTR.
How to find resources to reference
Choose your referencing style before you begin. You can either search for something specific, or browse to a resource type using the Quick Links.

From books, to journals, to your Tutor's handouts, CTR has many examples of resources and references that can aid you in creating and maintaining your references.

If you have any basic questions about how to reference using CTR, please contact the library.