Information Literacy Skills Development:
1st Year Undergraduate
Performance Indicator
"85% of courses provide 1st year undergraduate students with an information literacy skills development opportunity led by a librarian".
Target Rating | Actual Rating |
85% | 90.00% |
How we measure this
We count how many undergraduate courses we offer, and how many of these have had information literacy skills development sessions run by our librarians for 1st years.How often we measure this
These figures are updated annually, and cover the period 30th June 2021 - 1st July 2022.Comments
Following the Covid restrictions in 2020-21 when courses were delivered entirely online, some courses remained online during 2021-2 and others returned to blocks of campus teaching.Some courses made the most of the affordances of online delivery and merged course or campus cohorts to limit repeated content delivery.
As a result of fewer requested opportunities for information literacy teaching within the curriculum we have seen an increase in individual Book a Librarian appointments, with the new online offer proving popular and being continued as an option alongside face-to-face appointments.
Subject Librarians have also responded by creating asynchronous learning materials, e.g. videos and Canvas activities.
Page Last Reviewed: 15th February 2021 by Andrew Boulden.